Capture It, Remember It

By kirstyandrena

To Infinity and Beyond..

You know those really annoying girls that are 'total BFF'S'? The ones that are so close they claim to have their own language? Those girls that reach decibels you didn't even know existed with their 'fingernails down a chalkboard' squeal? Yeah, I hate them too.

But much to my embarrassment, over the past 4 years I've slowly become one of them. The only saving grace being that the language me and my 'bezzin' speak is simply English...although with the pace in which these words flow out of our mouths some may beg to differ with that one.

4 years ago the only thing I knew about this best friend was her name. Ask me when her birthday was, or what her favourite band was, or who her first crush was, and I'd of had a better chance of winning Miss Universe than being able to answer those questions correctly. 4 years later and I'm able to tell you her favourite book (To Kill a Mocking Bird), where she sees herself a year from now (about to start travelling the world), and who she lost her virginity to (which one was he again?).

The above photograph is 4 years worth of obsessive photograph taking, crammed down into a scrapbook made for my 21st birthday. A present that I constantly find myself looking over, laughing (and slightly cringing) at all the stupid and memorable moments we've shared together. As for the title, if you're a mathematical geek genius then you may just understand it.

'I love you tan 90 my bezzin :)'

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