View from my window

By skiesnsunsets

Sunset 5 2012

Another nice one this evening. I was alerted to look outside by hoards of seagulls surfing the thermals near our building. There must have been 50 or more just outside. A couple of hours later we had the first thunder and lightening of the year - only a few claps and flashes but it made me jump.

Talking about seagulls, we saw some unusual activity yesterday on the grass by our building. A lone seagull was thumping the ground very fast with its feet and then picking up what looked like worms. The ground was quite damp and this seemed very much like worm-beating which I was taught as a child to bring worms to the surface for my father for fishing. The gull spent quite a long time doing this on different patches of grass and seemed frequently to pick a worm up.

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