Just me..

By Sunnyclouds


Apparently that is the game of choice at 3 in the morning, oh how I enjoyed that game!!

Today I took my camera to hospital with me expecting to get a quirky blip, alas it didn't happen, I needed a few more hands for that! Pushing Grandma in a wheelchair proved quite tricky, why do they put the wheels that steer at the back of the chair? I managed to ram her into every imaginable object including a doctor, a lift door, a bush and a commode.. so I decided dragging her behind me would be easier, which it was but made Grandma feel sick... After weighing up her options she decided that feeling sick would outweigh losing her legs!!!

Elliot has taken to head butting... Anything that looks remotely hard/solid he thinks it would be a good idea to keep smacking his head against it until it dents (either his head or the hard object, which ever one gives way first, usually his head) so he looks delightful to take out!!

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