My life in photo's...


Thanks Smirnoff

Since early last year (2011) I've not been able to drink my favourite drink - vodka. This came after an incident at a mates 21st. To cut a long story short, I somehow managed to purchase a bottle of Smirnoff Black Label (45%), from Sainsbury's, for 50p (don't ask). I ended up drinking this in the space of about 3 hours on a party bus en route to Tiger Tiger (a club in Leicester Square, London). Following this, I threw up on the dance floor, on a bouncer, on a female friend and all over the train on the way home. This left me with a 3 day hangover, meaning the slightest whiff of the stuff makes me gip!

Anyway, the reasoning behind that little story and indeed this picture, is that Smirnoff's introduction of their flavoured vodkas, has meant I have re-found my love for Eastern Europes favourite beverage. It may be a slightly feminine take on it, but it allows me to enjoy it and is miles better than those WKD's or VK's!

Bring on Saturday, when I intend on demolishing it.

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