Lady Sage Days

By LadySage

Just Grapes.

Yummy fresh ones too. My car has passed its MOT and they are willing to keep hold of it until I can get a lift there on Friday so that's a relief. I could have got a taxi but would have preferred not to. Now I don't have to and thanks to the garage and the staff they have taken quite a bit of pressure and stress off me.

Tonight I have been managing to shed some tears. Sounds weird but it's doing me so much good now that I feel able to. The tears aren't about the MOT just that I've had to battle on again social services, care homes, wrong transport turning up, hospitals, missing clothes and a variety of other stresses and strains.

I've stayed strong and now that I've taken a lot of pressure off myself as well I'm trying to learn how to release the tears again and it's taking some practice. I developed eczema on my hands as a result of the stress and now that I've managed to cry a few times my skin is getting better.
I can feel things again.

The chemist even delivered my mum's cream today too so that was brilliant.

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