Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Ante Mortem Vita Est

A day of Philosophical questioning today, people seem to be looking for the purpose to all the struggles they have, some kind of point to IT all!

One day, when, we don't know, we will all die.

I have faced death four times in my life, times when I have believed that there would be no other outcome than my brutal injury or death. It changes you.

Is there a this thing that we call life? I am not sure, sometimes I think that there is none, that we have no point at all, we are just life forms with a mind that can consider such things. We live, we die....mere specs in the time line of the universe and consequently we have no point at all, we don't matter. Everything we do will be washed away by time, countless lives that no one remembers, not recorded, seen or heard, we simply fade and are gone.

In such short lives, maybe everything we do matters a lot, rather than not caring, we should care more......this is it, our one shot, feel the highs and lows, experience the pains and laughter, maybe how we are with each other IS really important. Will the words I say have a good effect on the world? Am I a force that is of benefit to my fellow travellers in time? Will I be remembered?

There is a concept that I find interesting; I cannot imagine the world without me in it.

If this thought plays out, we believe we make some difference, people struggle with what that difference should be!

A long death, this live is, if not lived...........I said that to a friend a long time ago, he had made a terrible mess of his life, lied, deceived and betrayed many people he had reason to love. He made amends in the end, his penance was long lived, and he paid it in full.

A point to it all........ no answers yet, maybe if I get any they will be written over my head, in stone, for now though, there is ice cream, gentle breezes, a crashing sea, starry skies and all kinds of wonderment!

Ante Mortem Vita Est........... Before Death There Is Life

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