The Life and Times of ...

By PappaG

Dark Days

Evening all

Happy Burns Night !!!!!

Happy Birthday Rabbie !!! ;0)

Thought about the whole tribute thing to yours truly but there was a wee problem to that till 7pm is not conducive to blipping ....especially tributes !!! ;0)

Even considered that we sit down to the traditional Burns Dinner when I got home......but I normally dont eat when I get in as its quite late and everybody else has usually eaten me out of house and home lol ;0)

Then I thought.....did Rabbie have Haggis, neeps and tatties EVERY birthday.....nah I dinnae think so laddie/ ;0)

And we all know.....Haggis is best served fresh and I really couldn't be bothered hunting them down round the hillsides, to catch it then skin it ......then cook it.....peeling potatoes and turnip to add to the dish!! Sorry Rabbie...please forgive me..........for those in the same frame of yer heart oot !!! ;0)

This is the view over the water, Firth of Forth to Edinburgh this morning.....loved the clouds !!! ;0)

Have a great Burns Night ;0)

TTFN ;0)

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