Clean Slate

By cleanslate


This is no.2 son's alarm as no.1 son screeches past him, whilst they were playing a board game, "I neeeeeed a weeeee!"

OK then. I'll just wait here.

Mr CleanSlate asked no.1 son today what he liked best about Mummy <holds breath and peers through fingers>, "She's there". Deep :-/ Oh well, at least he thinks it's a good thing I'm here, I guess that will change in time!!

The best thing about no.2 son is apparently that he can sign, to tell us what he's saying. (I was suprised he could even come up with a 'good thing' about his brother!)

Anyway, my blip counter is up to 10000 views :-) I appreciate that's quite small fry in some books, but I'm pretty impressed! It's mostly made up of 3 people looking a few thousand times each(!) but still!

Happy Wednesday*

*We did all agree to refer to Wednesday as 'Red Wine Wednesday', didn't we??

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