Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

Decaying Red Rose

I had to go to the Post Office this morning to post Mr A's assignment, he had to wait in today as Addenbrookes are supposed to be telephoning him to confirm that we should go to the hospital tomorrow for his operation.

I took a few pictures in the village and some snowdrops with raindrops, but decided on this rose as a change from snowdrops. There were a lot of beautiful roses blooming on this bush, which is in my neighbour's garden, on the first of January, the last time I visited. However, I have not been there since and although this is now very much past its best I like it, not least because it also has a raindrop.

It is another dull, wet day today with overcast skies, but not as cold as it has been. Here we are, almost at the end of January so maybe we are going to get away with a mildish winter this year.

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