Happy Birthday Felix!!

Felix is my great-nephew, he is 6 today. So I hope he has a wonderful day.

Today has been wet, in fact we are in the middle of a rainstorm, I don't think I have ever seen so much rain in a short time.

I din't have to go to work, my husband decided to work from home, Alexandra, unfortunately had to battle the weather to get to work. The road outside our house was like a river, the garden is just a lake and most of the windows had to be shut all day. It was so dark we had to have the lights on.

I sat and watched the cricket from Adelaide, where there was bright sunshine and 35C heat.

Went out to get the post, with umbrella, walked into the garage slipped, fell hurt my wrist, toes and my posterior and broke my umbrella.

Have just found Neo trying to eat my new hat, well I wont be wearing it for the next week!!

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