Naming Days

By Leeleee

Welcome Home

Decided to go to Canberra's biggest mall before we caught our plane.
We saw the CK's just parked just outside the mall.
We named the academy Ben is in the CKs because its called coerver. They are the coerver kids. Whenever there are about 25 kids all wearing the same outfit/soccer kit and all looking sporty. Its quite amusing.
So we named them the CKs.
We felt bad for Ben having no lunch so I chose him a novelty cupcake that looked like Elmo. He was gone when we went to give it to him so I just ate the marshmellow eyes and banana mouth. I left the rest for a stranger. Or my Dad.
We flew from Canberra to Sydney in our little tiny plane with two flight attendents and free snacks.
Then we arrived at Sydney. I had espicially saved a bottle of coke that says "share a coke with ben" for ben but customs took it of me. :(
The CKs ended up being on the same plane as us but a fair way away.
One of the CKs handed out lollys for the flight attendent.
We arrived afternoon-ish. There was I really nice sunset when we were landing and guess who had window seat :)
I took this from the airport.
One of bags got lost and its now in Sydney :)

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