The Wandering Caribou

By TheWanderingCaribou

Sewing - Talk of Vows - Spicy Chips - Embroidery

What a fun day with friends - started the day with Hubby and Mom and I at our local sewing hang out - with the best bunch of mates I could ask God for. True Blue Mates! Loads of sewing and yacking at The Attic this morning. I also put the last few touches on the sailing quilt for LittleBraveMan...felt good to have that to be quilted by the WonderfulW. :)
After The Attic - we went across to the shack to have soda with one of my life time friends - the SweetH...she will be married in a month - she is SO HAPPY - the kind of happiness that oozes from her pours - she so deserves this joy. Life has been hard for her - and because of that she is strong and beautiful on the inside and out. Proud of her - Proud to have her as a life long Mate. :)
Did some errands on the way home - on the drive Sis called and told us my BrownEyedNiece met with the Dr today - Dr said it is a straight up miracle she is still with us. THANK YOU JESUS!
Once home we cranked up the oven and made homemade chips...made the house smell like roasting corn - soo lovely! :) We had a fun night all curled up on the red couches - nibbling on chips - watching Grimm and I got a bit further on my new embroidery project for Hubby. He wanted a Keltic cross for St. Patt's Day this year. :)
Okay - enough writing on here - gonna turn off Doobie Brothers (black water) and head back down to watch Hubby play xbox. :)

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