
By strawhouse

The Last Apple (2)

This little apple is still hanging on! It's gradually getting eaten and I'm sure soon it'll be gone when I look out of the window in the morning....
It was a big day today - Miss L's first settling in session at nursery. I've only just got the hang of getting Miss E ready and to school not too late in time. It's even harder with two. I normally take Miss L in her jim-jams!!!
She did so well, walked straight in and started playing with a couple of little girls. I was supposed to stay but after about ten minutes it was quite clear she was fine so I went and sat in the car and listened to the radio and left her to it for a couple of hours!
She's got another settling in session on Friday and then her first full day is on Monday.
I'm not sure what I'll do with myself!
Apart from take a long bath, catch up with TV, read the magazines which are piling up unread, go to the gym, clean and tidy the house, look at more showhomes which is my new favourite pastime - I went round 3 today and accidentally ended up at a development of massive 5 bed houses. I said to the woman I didn't want to waste her time as I clearly wasn't going to buy one. She was very sweet and said I should look round anyway. It was without a doubt the biggest house I've ever been in! The upstairs landing was bigger than our living room!!! It was like a footballers pad you'd see in OK magazine. And a bargain at £850k!!!
And pilates tonight. I'm already starting to ache which is not a good sign for the morning!

I've backblipped here and here

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