
By angelicbrianne


And there I laid with arms squeezed around me. Like most nights these arms of my angel are always found guarding me and sheltering my love. His eyes found shut and feel his heart beat on my ribs. It's a beautiful beat... One of the most beautiful sounds I have ever heard. He is found in a deep sleep and his breathing gives it all away. He breathes in such peace, such comfort. I began running my fingers along the skin of this beautiful man as I watched the movie on his closed eyelids. I wish upon him beautiful dreams and wonderful thoughts. And I can feel that it is working. I can't breathe and my eyes are aching, my heart begins to expand and I feel so much love. Tears are released at last and they are sliding down my face one after the other. My face is wet and my tears are caught by the skin of the one who brought them. I lay there with this man holding me tight in a deep sleep and my tears whisper 'wakeup.' He opens his beautiful hazel eyes and he is shocked to see his always smiling girl with tears running away from her. He feels something is wrong and completely gets out of his sleep. He kisses my tears away and brings me in for a hug squeezing me even tighter. I feel love. I feel happiness. I feel this feeling that I have never had before. My heart was hit with so much happiness at one time that only tears could describe.

This is what love feels like and it's so amazing that I want to guard it for life. I know he could never hurt me because he feels the same way.

Stay with me my love and I shall never have a reason to leave.

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