
By Robofoto

Grandpa's Bottle

My Grandfather was a traditional Pharmacist. He studied at the Royal College in Glasgow and opened a shop in a small village near Dumfries. Some mornings he also was an Optician where he worked next door.

I loved his shop when I was young. The smell of the powders and potions mixed with floor wax and furniture polish as he had a whole massive wall of little wooden drawers with a ladder to reach the ones at the top. He used to measure pills into paper packets and fold them up by hand, and mix coloured liquids and powders to make medicines.

This Blip is one of a few bottles that survived after his shop was sold on in the 60's. I think Pulv Sod Bibor is Powdered Sodium Tetraborate. It's a type of antiseptic powder when dissolved used commonly in an eyewash (but please check first!!)

I have filled it with corks from wine bottles which has taken me years (ahem!)

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