Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Manic Monday

We always have a busy day on Mondays and I have to be organised, something that I struggle with. In the morning we have sing and sign, and in the afternoon we meet up with the other mums and babies from the village. Add in naps, feeds and now meals and suddenly the day is over with!

Henry seems to have made a breakthrough with eating. He had fromage frais for breakfast, and then shared my cheese on toast dipped in tomato soup for lunch, and insisted on having some of Neil's passionfruit sorbet for tea! We've only been doing 2 meals a day as he wasn't keen but I might start giving him some tea as well.

Todays picture is the July and August babies from the village. I still can't believe that 3 of them are called Henry, and they'll probably be in the same class at school!

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