My Social Media Adventure

By DanieljSmythe

Why can't a brit get a job at pret?

So saw this story in the evening standard and thought it made a good topic to talk about.

It really is quite an interesting topic because I get my daily coffee from pret in 1cs in canary wharf. And I have noticed that all the employees are eastern European but I don't think that it's a bad thing.

I'm really impressed with the service I get at that pret for many reasons

1. Their super efficient and quick
2. Their overly polite
3. They always seem happy and have a smile on their face

And all this for 6.80 an hour no wonder pret employs eastern european workers would you get the same level of quality from English ppl on that wage. I don't think I would be as happy or polite if I was on that wage.

So in all I love my morning coffee and really think that Pret is a good business and wouldnt get my coffee anywhere else because of the ppl that they employ.

Quote - those crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do

Good nite!

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