Think & Shoot & Think

By micmoment


First day of lunar new year.

Remember when I was a little kid, first day was always house visitings.
But somehow, gradually, and I have no idea why, the visitings stopped. :/
So now first day of new year are spent at home, usually doing nothing much.
I know it's kinda wasted to spend it that way... But no one bothered to change.

Since I had reunion dinner at home last night, so I decided not to stay home today. And phew thank goodness baby asked me over for dinner with his family!

There was home-cooked dinner by his mom and granny, but....mostly vegetables. Yeah dislike vege, but I still had 'em anyway. Pestered by two of his couzzie after dinner. Oh lord, take me away from kids please. I'd need plenty of energy bars.

Before leaving, we followed the tradition and did the yusheng thingy. First lou hei for this new year. Actually mom wanted it yesterday, but I failed to buy it back home. And she did ask me again today, but sadly I was out the whole day.... mmmm bad bad bad

Another tradition during cny: Gambling. Oh how I hate things that have to involve luck. Plus I never really like poker card games. But thing is, if you dont participate in the games, means you will be left out most of the time. Ahh oxymoron.

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