snapped by a curious mind

By iphigenie

Packing again

In a week we fly out again, this time to Colorado. This summer has been a long set of trips between the UK (2 locations), Switzerland, the Netherlands, and now we will be in Colorado and Iowa - still not more than 8 days in one place. I think I was 2 weeks in Switzerland early June and that is the longest I have been in one place since early May.

It's strange but I am getting used to it, I could manage a nomadic life!

With the new airlines rules on luggage, it means I have to pack real smart - need plenty of outfit combinations for the trip for all sorts of temperatures and situations, the gifts, the computers, the cameras, books. It all adds up! So I am starting early so I can shuffle it around and have a smart bag within regulation size and weight.

This is a close up image of the travel bag I might take with me. Black on black is not the easiest of photos.

Also got to get basics sorted such as haircut, mail held, email newsletters put on hold

Apart from that I am working on:

- 3 tax returns (mine, my company's and my mother's)

- 3 websites - rejigging my personal blog, starting a more professionally focused blog, and the contracting company website. Plus I plan to do the 30 day challenge for the second of those sites, or something else.

- 1 house - still plenty to do, moving things around, removing paint, mostly trying to find builders/plasterer/painter/ to get things moving in september

- job search - I need to get a contract, project or job for october to pay the bills and not use up too much of the savings. On the other hand as I was saying yesterday what matters to me most are the links you make with other people, the people you affect or who touch you, the things you create that you can still feel proud about years later... So I want a job that gives me time and space for people and connections

- oh and I wanted to do a walk or two, meet up with friends, and get the art paints out

Not much, eh? Wish me luck!

pimping the nijmegen blips one last time:

Sunday 13 (travel) my blip - pippiline's blip

Monday 14 (waiting) my blip - pippiline's blip

Tuesday 15 (walking - the easy day) my blip - pippiline's blip

Wednesday 16 (walking - the tough day) my blip

Thursday 17 (walking - the better day) my blip - pippiline's blip

Friday 18 (walking - pain and determination) my blip - pippiline's blip

Saturday 19 (recovery) my blip

Sunday 20 (recovery) my blip

Monday 21 (return) my blip

Tuesday 22 (looking back) my medal - pippiline's blister (she got a medal too)

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