wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg

Summer Dayz 2

Been hot again today. 31°C or so, which is hot down here. I don't mind that kind of weather, got a few things done - baked some biscuits, did some laundry, shopped for camp tomorrow. This evening a few of us got together for dinner, we're having three-weekly dinners until Imo and Ed head off overseas in September. They live close to the beach, so we went for a walk in the cool sea breeze. Pretty nice all round really.

I'll be away for the next week - leading on a summer camp, lots of 15-17 year olds, sun, surf, food, God. 'sgonna be fantastic. So until next Tuesday or Wednesday or whenever I get the courage up to backblip a week of frivolities, have a great week!

Also, here's yesterday - a hungry seagull.

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