I quite like unusual flowers and colours - this, a well known flower but one I have not seen in this colour, a soft lime green from my birthday bouquet.
Its been reasonably quiet today, a day of being at home and catching up with a few jobs, particually washing which seems to grow! Our weather has been fine with big rolling white clouds in the blue sky, a gentle breeze and a little warmer than yesterday! It rained and blew all night long, there were stars in the west in the early hours of the morning but cloud in the east, there may've been a sunrise but I went back to bed as I had a migraine, yet again. I slept until after 10am which is most usual for me but feeling much better now.
Monday evening is like a Saturday night for hubby and I, its half way through his days off and we like to have a casual tea, something with little fuss and bother - a bbq tonight, hubby will do the cooking while I potter over a salad in the kitchen.
Have a great week everyone :)
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