Finally it arrived. It started raining after midnight. So thought would blip it for today. But since it was still 23rd in UK, I had to wait till morning to upload.
It rained slightly the day before as well. I was at work then. A colleague came and told me "it's raining outside." I had a strong urge to go out in the first rain and get wet. But it would have looked really silly someone dancing in the rain in office. So I took an umbrella and started walking in the rain. But I held the umbrella in such a way that rain hits me. Didn't get really drenched but probably have to live with it for now.
Thanks Kath for the wish (the wish is in the comments). it worked! :-)
- 0
- 0
- Nikon D80
- 1/33
- f/5.6
- 90mm
- 800
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