In Between Days

By jase

Too Big?

After my post yesterday you may think I asked Louis to try out the red bug car, but no, we were out playing and he decided to get in. He certainly has a sense of humour, bless him.

The weekend goes by all too quickly. A bit of a none day in many ways. L and Alana went to the cinema in the afternoon to see Warhorse. I wasn't sure it was a good idea for Alana but she enjoyed it and 'coped' with the emotional bits. You can tell I'm still scarred from Watership down!

I didn't want Louis to just sit and play computer games so we went for bit of a walk and had a kick about in the car park of the church just down the street. He then wanted to play basket ball when we got home but I couldn't find the basket so we invented a game called bucket ball. It involves a ball, two buckets and rules made up as you go along. Louis won.

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