Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa

Daisy Daisy

We had a pretty busy day today. We got up after Euan caused chaos in the bedroom. Our bed was a tent, a hiding place, a plain old bed to pretend to sleep in and a mountain to climb over! He had his breakfast and we walked over to asda and after his busy morning he fell asleep in the buggy.
We went out for lunch with Euans Granny and Granda and Euan got a magazine with stickers to keep him occupied. The stickers mainly went on the pages until Daddy put one on his nose, so Euan of course had to copy and ended up with daisys all over his face!
We went back to Grannys house and it was a late night for Euan and he was home in bed for 9pm, still pretty happy for it being so late! Shame I can't even have a lie in tomorrow as I am pretty certain Euan would sleep til atleast 8.30. Oh well, another time...!

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