
By RMurang

Ancient Instrument

(Stringed instrument)

One of the Pena artists performing mourning music and song at the death ceremony of Bapin's father who was a follower of the ancient Meetei culture and tradition and always wanted the indigenous religion (Sanamahi) to be revived and flourish, instead of the new religion (Gouriya & Vaishnavism - some of the sects of Hinduism) imposed upon the Manipuries during the reign of King Pamheiba (Maharajah Garibniwaz) who not only let himself and his people converted into the imported Hinduism but also take strong measures to totally obliterate the ancient religion by all means. One ghastly example was the burning of all ancient scriptures called PUYAS. The generations, even, today mourn the burning of their original ancient books.

P.S. Of late I've rather been on some other worlds with so little or no blip at all due to load after load of assignments and deliveries from all quarters. During the first stages of this new-fangled onslaught, I still manage to upload at least one blip per day and having no time for sharing comments, still made it one infallible ritual to distribute the daily doses of favorites to the deserving. But now, the situation becomes so out of hand, that I'm slowly but steadily missing all of you day by day. However, in the back of my mind, I still remember you and longing to be truly back amongst you one day!

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