The Life of Lauren

By laurgurl326


Today my computer decided to have a heart attack -- thus leaving me unwired without any photoediting software.
I was able to upload some pictures on a friend's computer, but feel awkward as they are completely unedited. Oooh it's like they are so pure and innocent untouched and unmanipulated by photoshop! It's scary uploading them raw!

This is my friend Jessica, but we all call her Juicy. We started hanging out on a road trip to Montana but only recently got closer. I'm spending the week with her and so far it's been amazing. Even though she's a couple years older she thinks my confidence and energy are intimidating. I think her silent but deadly smirks are intimidating. I wonder if that comes across in the pictures? We think the same things are funny, thus we make a dynamic pair to reckon with when we're on a roll. I'm really glad we're friends now. You're too cute to pass up in my life.

Tight Tunnel
Free Throw
Bee's Knees

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