Roll With It

By Falmike

Good Day

I didn't have to go in today so as a family we made the most of the day, last one up for a change, I had a cooked breakfst and a glance through the newspaper.

We then split into two's, girls took our redundant furniture off to the charity shop, in an excellent condition the charity in question almost had to be pleaded with to take it, the alternative is the back lane where grateful students will furnish their bedsits with it. The girls then went shopping, meanwhile the boys were clearing the gutters from on the low roof, ours and next doors, moving all the logs and demolishing the brick built BBQ. We moved and re-stacked all the logs, put the rubble into bins loaded the van and made three tip runs, the back garden is now clear and clean ready for the builders.

On the third tip run, this time alone, I continued out to Carnon Downs garden centre, the aquatic section where having obtained a 'Biobe' maintenance kit and three new fish I eventually arrived home. Joshua and I went through the acclimatisation routine for the new fish as well as replacing the filter and changing 50% of the water whilst Clare prepared chicken wraps, a family favourite, for the evening meal. eventually I took the photograph that you see, overnight the water will clear to a crystal clearness so that tomorrow Joshua and Samantha can pick another six to eight fish to bring the tank almost up to its usual stock level. then as long as three of us don't continue to feed the fish without each other knowing they will not overeat and die.

All in all a productive and rewarding day.

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