My new starburst filter arrived this morning,a fiver with free delivery,why thank you very much that's splendid... eager to have a try I switched on the fairy lights that adorn most rooms in our home (I like them ok,and if you do not,I am shrugging and thinking I don't actually care ;) ) ...anyhoooo I say to my babies,you want to be in a blip... 'yes Mum' they cry,so I tell them you must keep still very very still as I shall slow my shutter speed down.. 'yes mum' they cry... OHHHHHH FFS << abbreviated swearing for Leo and anyone else wondering.... it turned into a wrestle,so I told them to sod off,and then they pretend to cry...'no mum,no we will keep still' more tussling.... more me yelling.. more mock weeping and hysterical laughter... they are now tickling each other.. 'GO AWAY GO AWAY I yell.. 'NOOO MUM... WE PROMISE' anyway this is it,the best... stupid babies.
The list of subjects to rant on that you gave me yesterday.... it's quite large and some of them I have no interest in HOWEVER I am going to reply to them all and name the 'rantee' those who ranted as they gave me the idea's ;)
Cat blip haters... as supplied by Bernard poet,and on behalf of his cat Toffee who is a gorgeous cat.... well we all know that cat blip haters are stupid.I have an extensive rant on that one,but I shall never tire of telling people to shove off and bleat where people give a toss... i.e NOT HERE ;)
POTHOLES.. from Amandahugandkiss and TrishaB ... well boy oh boy they get you going don't they .... so on your behalf I shall rant... 'Councils of the United Kingdom,sort your fucking potholes out you lazy bastards...and stop wasting money on stupid opinion polls...
and finally for today Mrs Life in Fife (my mate lynn) something to do with Scottish independence ?? I can't work out if I have to shout you need it or shout you don't but you did seem very cross and you may get even crosser when I say,it's not something I care about ;) BUT I DID CARE THAT A MAN DROPPED LITTER IN FRONT OF ME WHEN I WAS IN EDINBURGH...
more to follow tomorrow xxx
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