What a saddo!

I normally don't get that excited about films in due for release, especially when it is the best part of a year until the launch date. Sure, I might note the news with interest, I might even comment to someone that it's something I fancy seeing. I never normally get really excited though.

This one is worth getting excited about though. I know for a fact what I'll be doing in early June next year. I just really, really hope they don't screw it up as it's probably the best graphic novel ever written. It's competition for that title, From Hell by the same author was a bit of a Turkey when it was adapted for the big screen, not that it was a bad film, it just wasn't a patch on the graphic novel. Early indications for this do look promising though, the trailer and the visuals look good. Plus Dave Gibbons has had good things to say about it so far (Moore doesn't attach his name to or give interviews on any film adaptations after bad experiences with both The league of extraordinary gentlemen and V for Vendetta).

Oh, and I forgot to say yesterday that I finished the book I was reading and it was very, very good. Well worth grabbing a copy if you're a fan.

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