Project Kosovo

Our new St Ives Bay Rotary Club has agreed to take on a project to do up a Fire Support Vehicle & drive it to Kosovo to donate to a town which needs one.

The vehicles are donated by the Cornwall Fire & Rescue Service once they are finished with, our Rotary District's Overseas Project Team coordinate getting them & will source replacement pumps etc, our Rotary Club will tidy it up & get it prepared mechanically (in fact Mike Samdow from Sandow's Garage in Hayle has agreed to supply the labour free of charge - THANKS), then we will drive it down to Kosovo in May, loaded up with kit & uniforms etc in a convoy with 2 other of these & a lorry full of aid. We also have to find the money to do all this & pay for the fuel to get us there etc.

A fair bit of work to get it ready & a long 5-6 day drive at 50mph in a lumpy bumpy old landrover, but really looking forward to it & they really need these sort of things down there.

This is me (centre) & Howard from our Rotary Club receiving the keys from Mark Jewel from the District Overseas Project Team, Howard & I are two of the possible drivers. Expect more Blips on this over the next few months

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