Electric Dreams

By caramac

Young love

Another lovely drawing from Joe's wee friend at school. I just hope that someone always loves him like this ( apart from his old mammy of course) I wish I could make sure his heart is never broken and he finds the love of his life.
We have had lots of discussions about this and I have explained to him that it is okay to be single and that I was single at times in my youth. He got quite upset at this and told me in no uncertain terms he did not WANT to be 'a single'. He wants a lovely lady to come and knock on his door and say 'do you want to marry me?' and he will say 'okay as long as my Mummy can live with us too' I am sure she will looooovve that....

Just to say I have been back blipping like a mad thing tonight because although I have been taking photo's (good) I have not been posting them (bad) I am back on track now though...

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