
I was permitted to enter "Shed 1" this evening.
I didn't stay long.
It felt wrong to be in there.
Tool boxes, tins of paint, model making paraphernalia and no doubt a spider or two.
The presence of my beloved, long suffering husband did nothing to assuage the general feeling of being somewhere that I should not have been.
Sheds are not places for womenfolk to be.
I am clear of this.
Although it seemed to make little difference to me six years ago when much of our courtship involved watching telly, drinking tea and snogging ** in the shed at the bottom of the garden at Corin's folks' place.
Maybe "Shed 1" isn't big enough?

After a long day chipping away at the chalkface, I spent a lovely half hour or so with Fisherking and other colleagues. For some reason that I do not understand I was in quite a silly mood. Fisherking will no doubt vouch for this.

Came home, was knackered and fully intended to go to bed for a cat nap. However, I was distracted by wonderful musical interludes from Katherine Ellis via youtube, pizzas from Dominos and then I was possessed by the cleaning fairy and have blitzed the house.

Silly but I'm still laughing

Probably something to do with the arrival of Mother tomorrow and then a subsequent visit from the Crosby Mafia (Nana and Great Aunty Rose) on Sunday. Somehow I have to fit in a whole stack of work that has to be done for Monday AND I have a lesson observation on Monday afternoon - I am being observed...not bothered about that but am doing a tricky topic - teaching 12 year olds to use animation software and building them up to using Flash. What was I thinking?!?!?

Now off to blow dry the boy-child's hair and then get into bed and watch some episodes of ER on the iPad.

Tomorrow, a man is coming to install Virgin. I'm impressed he can find one in Warrington to be honest.

**I said snogging - NOTHING ELSE!

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