Family Dog

By Family_Dog


Before I started Blip I had a pretty hard time. I was 8 weeks pregnant and I got made redundant. It was all really horrible at the time and I was beside myself because I loved my job and the company and I felt like I'd been kicked up the arse.

Anyway - it all worked out nicely in the end. I got a job, I didn't get any maternity pay but all was well.

Now it's Bry's turn. His company are making lots of redundancies and after 9 1/2 years he's being given the chance to take voluntary redundancy or stay on and possibly find a soul destroying job that he wishes he could walk away from just as soon as he starts.

It's a very hard decision. And pretty stressful. We were only just getting settled again...

This is his list of options. I'm liking the 'astronaught, priest, cowboy' line. He'd make a great cowboy. Mind you, I have to wonder if he wrote that before or after we watched Brokeback Mountain...should I be worried?

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