Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

In favour of dreams of flying..

As the world closes in around us.....

Fear, distrust, anger, loathing, spite and greed, that's all you seem to hear about these days, and yet, I find them such hard work! How much easier it is to forgive, love, care and give. We create the world we see around us, each of us responsible for our actions, it is our duty to be the greatest we can be. I'm not perfect, I certainly don't expect to find it in anyone else, why are we so disappointed when we see our failings in others....

My fears for us are that we will blindly stray nearer to the abyss, ever closer to losing our souls, closer to Dante's levels of Purgatory.

A dream that I have, and have had since I was a child, is that of flying, I soar into the air, free, weightless and full of joy! It is hard work at first, usually I have to want to fly, need to fly, desperate to fly. I lift into the air and get higher and higher, with every moment it gets easier as I leave the constraints of the world behind, my chest seemingly on fire as I rush upward. My soul, free at last, I am filled with wonder, elation, such peace and ecstatic harmony with all the universe that I have woken some times in tears! These dreams leave me with such a sense of hope, laughter and love for my life that I wish I could give them to everyone.

Have you ever felt the first breeze of spring? It comes with the scent of life, the essence of all the joy that life has to offer. Standing in the air, feet on the ground this time, and feeling the sun touch you face, rain on your tongue, snow on your nose, all these thing bring the feeling of my flying dreams to me.

Today I stood and I saw the rain come up the street to meet me, a soft veil of water marking the ground as it went, I looked up and there were no clouds to be seen, inside my heart leapt at the magic of it all.

I hope in sharing this that you have some nice dreams yourselves tonight!

So, goodnight, from a softheaded old fool. (Laughter in the woods, that's me!)

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