Pain in the butt!

Today I had to go for some sort of CSI investigation called a Colonoscopy. Having done one of these home kit tests ages back then having got a letter back to say I needed to go then having avoided them like the proverbial plaugue, I finally gave in and went. Ordinarily I would not tell you about it but I know there will be people out there who are in the same situation as myself and who may be worried so for you I say don't worry. The worst part of this is having to drink almost 8 pints of foul tasting liquid the night before and a few hours in the morning beofre your appointment, it tastes like cat pee!
The ovious result of dninking these packets of ~Pollifilla is that you may have to take up residence in the loo for some time but he ho!
Today I was met and gret by very nice staff and was given a big huge bag into which to put my clothes. I have to say this was my first test of ingenuity to open the damn bag until I discovered it opened sideways! who invents these things?
Then a few questions all plain sailing so far then you get a wee sedative in the arm and you feel quite happy for a few minutes so when they begin telling you to face the West etc you do so placidly.
Then comes the camera and I have to say I was convinced this was the MArs Rover camera! Ordinarily there would be absoultly no problem esp if you are a bloke! in my case, 3 cesarean sections and a hysterectomy had wellded the upper part of my bowel to all the scar tissue so in effect their camera reached an T junction them a cul de sac! nada, he did try (much to my consternation) to navigate his way about but he wasnt getting anywhere and I was about to punch his lights out for him! That sealed it.
Outcome, well there were one or two wee polyps or (pop eyes) as my late mother called them and so I need to go back to get them sorted (more bloody cats pee to be taken) then I need to go for a cat scan (more cats) to have a look at my cemeted bowel and then they will see its ok and Bobs you uncle done.

So if any of you out there have this ahead of you don't worry, its not too bad. just leave your dignity at the front door and pick it up on the way out. The staff are great so fear not folks. Ok my tummy is rummlbing like a Yellowstone geyser and the dogs think I may explode but otherwise I have lived to tell the tale.
Photo another of one of my stupid elifunky ideas that went wrong

Have a good blip weekend all

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