The First Day / The New Day

Kode9 - Black Sun

Aside from the awful title, how else would you put it with slight dramatism? I dunno, it's just the way it is. Days just keep passing by so quickly, you would ask yourself, what's the point when things become forgotten? Sometimes, out of no where, you gain inspiration from something. That spark to re-energise yourself, that meaningful nothing to shift things into perspective. It just happens. There are too many inspirations for people to name, be it person or bizarre alternative concept. That single moment that it kicks through your senses... you become alive again.

Here's a few songs that shifted my mind and made a big difference in my life:
Massive Attack - Unfinished Sympathy - It inspired me to write.
Bjork - Hyperballad - It inspired me to try interesting / alternative music
George Harrison - Wah Wah - It told me how sad it was to be in love with a friend.
Prince - Alphabet St (extended mix) - It inspired me to re-evaluate 80s funk, hip-hop, r'n'b and go back into the 70s.
Roni Size - Brown Paper Bag - It inspired me to write music.
Underworld - Born Slippy - It inspired me to make movies.
The Chemical Brothers - Dig Your Own Hole - It inspired me to dance and at 14 I smashed a huge picture frame with my head. I was that out of control.
The Roots - Dynamite - It inspired me to love hip-hop.
Nujabes - Beat Laments the World - This inspired me to love Japan.
Jaga Jazzist - Day - It inspired me to run through the parks of Nottingham, realising that I can achieve a dream.

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