Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Dremel & Door

Those of you who know me and my rat family will quite possibly have heard, by now, that I'm extending and modifying the big rat cage at the moment (big for ME that is - it's a piffling tiny cage compared to some of the serious ones that people who have whole rat rooms and so on have).

This afternoon I started on the serious work - cutting bars, removing doors, installing NEW doors (I bought this one off e-bay and have another couple coming very soon), and so on. So, it was out with the Dremel, and a session on the bedroom floor (the only place in our house where there's (a) space and (b) no cats), which is currently doubling as a cage workshop.

I'm hoping to have the whole process finished and the ratties moved into their improved home by the beginning of next week, depending upon door delivery and how quickly I manage to work.

In fact, today I spent most of the day out and about. I'd bid on a couple of small hamster cages (which will come in handy as portable homes etc.) and got them for 99p and £1.25 so I went to collect them. While I was out, I did quite a few jobs in the town I'd gone to, and enjoyed exploring the shops there - especially the 99p store, which provided me with quite a lot of useful bits and pieces! They also had a Primark, so I got some jogging bottoms to replace a couple of pairs that had so many holes in they were indecent!

It was a murky day, but actually a rather pleasant one, since it was much warmer than yesterday! I'm STILL enjoying the fact that I can go out and about and manage not to have a meltdown! I hope it lasts!

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