not a Daily Blipper

By suzy

Dull day but warm Keith doing some odd jobs i have got the hoovering done again. I think i will have saturday off.

Me and molly are going out in a min but it dose look like rain i hope it dose not but knowing me and molly it will p**** it down when we get out.

No challenge to day as i did not know what it ment and as i am not a techo about taking photos have gave to days a miss back on it tomorrow it is Boken what every that is but then again i am a bit thick an it could be some easy.

So you have got my blip buddy on her fave place drinking her fave brew in a delboy cup.

If it stays fine tonight we are going to a Star gazing thing to night but my friend who all so wants to go says it it going to be cloudy so who knows

Bye for now enjoy you weekend love Suzy and Molly xxxx

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