Depth of Field2

Following up on yesterdays blip and the question of depth of field. Thanks to all who sent feedbsck to say that they found it helpful.

Remember the second point which stated that the depth of field depends on the aperture used? Well, for those who might have doubted this I am posting two shots made this morning with the camera on the tripod. I focused my lens on the capstan in the foreground. On the left the aperture was f2.8. On the right it was f22.

Bear in mind now that the lens, focal length, point of focus and viewpoint all remained unaltered. Only two things have changed. The first of these was the shutter speed, which was necessary in order to keep the exposures correct but remember the shutter speed DOES NOT affect the dof. The second setting which changed was the aperture. Because everything else which was pertinent remained unaltered any difference has to be down to the aperture. See how the entire feel of the scene has been changed simply by setting a different f stop! A very handy technique to master and to use in the making of a creative photograph. More than handy. Essential.

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