Tussock Tales

By TussockTales


The sun is shining so up the mountain with Pete and found that a reasonable shot of "the paddock" could be had from the mountain. Got home and wasn't satisfied (Gosh the Boss is fussy) so back to the paddock on the way to somewhere else. Couldn't get the angle desired so photographed the foreground instead. Loved the soft wispy look.
Memo to the Boss. Next time up Mt Iron TAKE A TRIPOD.
Tomorrow there is a major sporting event "The Wanaka Challenge" Triathlon The town is full to the rafters and tomorrow I will go with the Boss and Bossess and thousands of others to watch the start (swim bit) They will not be letting me do any swimming and I will be lost in the crowd (on my lead) most of the time. Maybe the Boss will get some Blips Maybe not.

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