world in a grain of sand

By kateann

the intellectual at home

Here is Mark, patiently allowing me to buzz around him with a camera while he reads Evelyn Waugh. He made up the title - I suppose I owe him that!

I had the first installment of my lesson from Ithaca so I was determined to use all the knobs, buttons and dials this time. We're taking our cameras to work tomorrow so I can learn a bit more - hopefully there will be a better result.

I am always torn between re-reading well beloved books (Waugh's Sword of Honour trilogy springs to mind) and the realisation that there are millions of books I'll never read. Book group has been brilliant for broadening my repetoire, this time we are reading "Snow" by Orpan Pamuk. I have read far more books in translation now than ever before, and read some science fiction - previously pretty unknown territory, apart from the day of the triffids!

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