Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Oh NO!

Do you ever get that creepy feeling on the back of your neck as if someone is watching you? Well, now you know exactly how Sylvia felt this morning. Yep, that is none other than Seymour in the background ... look closer! There ... do you see him?

And, if that wasn't enough, Phoebe was doing her Great Calico Huntress thing through the window. All of this makes for nervous squirrels, as you can see here! Which kind of explains why, when Sylvia tried to move in on Seymour's flower basket, all hell broke lose. You can see what the blue jay thought about the whole ugly mess. And, I don't even want to repeat what the reb-bellied woopecker had to say. Turns out she can curse like a sailor. Even the finch in the steam bath was taken aback.

No sign of those crazy starlings today, pity. Frankly, I think they may have been a bit put off by the squirrels.

My hubs came through the surgery yesterday with flying colors and a fuzzy brain. He wanted to eat everything that wasn't nailed down, followed by a deep sleep that lasted until this morning. Amazingly, he says the thumb already feels better, and he's needed no la-la pills for pain at all. He tells me that this is because he is the Man of the House. I let him believe that because it suits me... I think we all know the truth...

Happy Thursday!

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