It caught my eye

By Pixiemo

They had my name on them

These DM Boots are very special to me as they were the last thing that my dad bought for me before he passed away.This is not a morbid sad thing for me it is happy and they still make me smile and think of him as they are bright and cheerful just like he was. Also my very last conversation with him was about them and him rushing to the bank to put the money in my account for my birthday as contrary to what many people believe the Scots are not tight and in fact hate to be in debt .
I wore them to his funeral too, which I know caused a bit of a stir as some saw it as disrespectful, but I did not care as they were special.
So that brings me to why I posted the picture and that is because this Christmas I thought I might like another new pair of DMs to add to my collection. So I started around August to drop hints to my family on which ones I would like, i left them in my basket on websites , on my wish lists on sites and even pointed them out in shops. However , apparently they could not get the ones I fancied so decided to buy me a camera. My camera is very lovely and hence the reason I have arrived on Blip .....

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