Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Thursday night thingy.. Fur....

Pepé was not going to be a the blip... my fake fur hoodie doodahhh was,however my stupid little pooch did one of his 'tricks' where he eats a small stick and then some gets stuck in his chops and then he hacks about and eventually vomits.... if anyone ever see's Pepé with a stick you have to race toward him and screech... NO... PEPÉ NO... NO.. and he runs off,sadly sometimes with the bloody stick.
Also he does quite often do a 'shoulder drop' into fox poo or cow poo and you have to race toward him screeching 'PEPÉ NO.. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO FOR THE LOVE OF PETE NO !!' and he keeps rolling.
So,silly little dog has to have a shower quite often,luckily he is good,you pop him in the shower cubicle wash him off and then he has a shake inside there and voila clean pooch.
Today,today I faffed about with water droplets and my camera on a tripod trying to be all clever and arty... I am not... what am I doing wrong..... they were all crap,all 346 of them.
Tomorrow I have a busy day,for I am off out with DDLC and Moonchops...we are off on a hunt for the elusive pecan danish.... they are like nothing on this earth.. they are NOT LIKE a normal pecan danish so stop with the offers to show me them.. everyone thinks they can tempt me with their sub standard pecan danish... STOP.... nothing compares to the ones at BHS in Redditch... so put that in your pipe and smoke it !!!! (thats one of my Mums favourite sayings)....

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