An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

And the ice melts....

Mega Melt :-)

Ok, some Moaning Minnie hijacked my blip journal yesterday and for that I apologise! I have given her a good slap round the moosh a little pep talk and hopefully she won't be back for a while at least!

Added to that, a wee half hour's kip before dinner, Baloo working his Bare Neccessities magic and an earlyish night last night, means I am in a much better mood this evening :-))

Didn't come near blip last night as I knew that would spell doom for my being asleep at a decent time, so my apologies for another day of no comments, but want to thank all my blip buddies sincerely for sticking with my journal and continuing to comment on my blips, despite my lack of response! Also an EXTRA SPECIAL thank you for all the stars and hearts.....I WILL get round to thanking you all properly! :-))

Still no further forward in booking a holiday house but got a new batch to look at tonight so fingers crossed.

My good mood is also being helped by the fact that I'm not working tomorrow so this is my Friday night! :-))) AND I had one of the best conversations EVER this afternoon, with a boy aged about 8!

It all started with me getting in from work half hour before Alan was due in from school. Just enough time to nip outside in the slowly fading light to capture a shot of the melting snow from earlier.

So, out into the garden, this time beside the retaining wall where the grass is waist height (so no need for arse in air stance!) camera lens poking its way into the grass, eye stuck to eye-cup, shivering with the cold but concentrating hard on trying to stay as still as possible when.....

Boy - Hello Lady! (cue me jumping about a foot in the air in fright!)
Me - erm.....hello
Boy - What you doing?
Me - erm...taking photographs
Boy - what of?
Me - erm...the snow
Boy - Why?
Me - erm...because it's very pretty
Boy - Are there worms too?
Me - No, it's a bit cold for worms
Boy - If there were worms would you take a picture of them?
Me - Yes I would
Boy - Cool!! Have you taken photos of a worm before?
Me - Yes I took a photo of a worm last summer.
Boy - REALLY??!!! Did you put the photo in a frame?
Me - No, it was quite an ugly worm so I didn't frame it.
Boy - Aw...poor wee worm. Maybe you'll get a better photo soon.
Me - Yip, maybe I will.

Just at that the sky got darker and darker and the hailstones started. He picked up his school bag that he'd been dragging till he stopped to talk to me and as he scooted off up the street he shouted VERY loudly over his shoulder "Cheerio Worm Lady"!!!

hahahahahahahahahaha! Sometimes I think it's such a shame that kids have to grow up!!! :-)))

Right domestic goddess duties now..... pizza, chips & salad fancy dinner to prepare and a large tiny glass of wine to pour whilst I sing along to THIS!!!

;-))) xxx

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