Buying Time

30 Euros in police fees and 90 Euros in taxi fares plus visits to three offices spread out in the nether regions of Belem has, effectively, bought me more time in Brazil just as my visa was about to run out. I don't have a flight out booked at the moment but they accepted internet print outs of my credit card account to show I had enough funds to last until 19th April (assuming DD doesn't go off on one of her shoe spending sprees!). Good to have this in the bag here in Belem, as I didn't want to jump through the hoops that DD was forced to a few weeks ago by a Rio policeman.

But you always hold your breath as they look at all the previous Brazil entry and exit stamps in the last 8 years (37 in total) along with the Egyptian and Nigerian visas and the multiple entries to the US, Mexico, Venezuela and Colombia. I was just waiting for that question, 'And what is it exactly that you do, Senhor Barrioboy?'. 'Well, it's like this....I take and publish a photo every day and the one golden rule is...'

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