Looking up, today

Rejoice in the things that are present; all else is beyond thee.


Max seems more himself today. He ate during the night and this morning, enough that he could safely have his insulin injection. I think the anti-nausea drug and yesterday's vet ordeal kept him very quiet yesterday afternoon and evening. No vomiting, he used his box and walked around a bit, enjoying his daily bird watching activities as normal.

One day at a time. It's obvious that he has something causing the episode yesterday, but he seems comfortable today so far. We will watch him closely and help him along when the time is right, he will show us the way.

Heart-felt thanks to all who commented and lifted our spirits yesterday. any of you said things that comforted and helped us.

This comment rang so true...
I am sorry to hear this, the stress of trying to do the right thing in a battle that you ultimately can't win is a heartbreaker.
~ RtCph

xxx to all of you, B&T

For the Record,
This day came in sunny and cold. Light snow predicted for tonight.

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