Solanum - Potato Vine Blue

It flowers most of the year, only for the last couple of months it was a bit dry and bare. I have started watering it like mad and here it is! The flowers are starting to come out at last. I like this bush a lot. I will be trying to propagate it. Operative word being: trying. I haven't often succeeded with cuttings.

Today was a hot and sunny day. I spent a lot of time outside. I have planted 2 patio sublimes, transported them to the front verandah, managed to drop one and all soil and plant fell out. Obviously I had to re-plant it quickly and pretend nothing happened. I also planted one blackcurrant stick (to be a bush). It said on the piece of plastic that came with it that they like sunny positions. I am not sure it will survive our afternoon sun. And the last plant is a Happy Wanderer Hardenbergia from 'Grow It Easy Aussie Climbers' series, replacing some sort of vine, which hasn't impressed me over the last 18 months. This one is supposed to produce masses of mauve-purple pea-shaped flowers.

My theory for the garden is to plant either native plants, as they don't require much water and are favourites of the birds, or South African plants, which grow here very well for the same reasons as the natives , or citrus fruit - just because they are so useful. The blackcurrant is a bit of my Polish nostalgia. I ate and drank a lot of the stuff, real fruit not cordials.

I have 3 more plants to plant: a protea called Clark's Red (from 'African Secrets' series, fingers crossed it survives in the spot I chose for it) and 2 Australian designer plants: Cascade of Stars Philotheca buxifolius, which looks like nothing can kill it. We will see.

Oh, I would forget, but shuffling through the plastic cards with plant descriptions reminded me that I have also grafted Black Passionfruit waiting to be settled against a fence. That will take so time and doing, but hopefully one day we will have our own free of charge passionfruit. I would be happy with just their flowers.

After all this gardening, we went for a swim in the local pool. No sharks there, you see. And much closer to home. I must do it more often. Doing lengths is good for thinking. And that's what I though about: coming more often for a swim.

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