A time for everything

By turnx3

Patterns in the ice

I was at church this morning for a new bible study. I've heard a lot of good things about the Wednesday morning bible study, and they're starting a new Beth Moore study on the book of James. I've been wanting to take a Beth Moore study for quite a while now, so I've decided to drop my Tuesday morning study at least until the Fall (it stops for the summer in May) and start this one instead. This one will be a much more in depth study, which I've been wanting. It seems to be a really nice and varied group, from several stay-at-home Mums of young children, right up to a couple of eighty plus year olds - so it will be great during discussion times, having the different perspectives. After the study, I just had enough time to fit in a brisk walk around the neighborhood (where I blipped this frozen puddle) and a quick bite of lunch, before going to the hairdressers, then it was off to do grocery shopping. Had to fix a fairly early dinner, as Roger has started a bible study before choir, starting at 6.30. I tried a new recipe tonight - pork chops in apple and cranberry sauce- it was very tasty, definitely a keeper!

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