little by little.

By auldlangsyne

Global Warming

Poor little polar bear.

Was feeling a little stressed today so decided to burn some incense in a candle and this little polar bear tealight was all I could find. And at the same time someone asked me for help naming a story about global warming from a polar bear's perspective - thought it all fitted.

Anyway, hope you like it, couldn't decide whether to keep it in colour or go for B&W so in the end I settled for somewhere in the middle. :) Still getting the hang of the new camera (I thought I'd broken it at one point and had just forgotten to take off the lens cap... oops!) but once exams are over I'll actually figure out how to properly work it. Until then...

And my tripod arrived today but unfortunately there was no one in, so all I have is a little 'Sorry I missed you.' sheet, should get it soon though.

Also, just like to add my support to the SOPA protest today, from what I've heard over the past few months this act would just completely mess up the Internet and the freedom it brings. I've realised today how much I honestly rely on Wikipedia for, well, everything! (I know you can still access it, but that kind of defies the point...)

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